"The Chorleiter-Forum (CF) is an organ of the German Center for Choral Music (Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik e.V.). The service catalog includes:
- Free use of all facilities at the German Center for Choral Music in Wetzlar a.d. Lahn
- Free admission to the library for international choral scores (450,000 individual titles) in Wetzlar during opening hours
- Privileged access to Musica International
- Promotion of one’s own compositions and arrangements
- Free advertising for your own events (festivals, workshops, competitions, masterclasses, etc.)
- 50 free sample score pages or archive copies annually for study purposes
- Consultation on copyright issues
- Assistance in procuring choral scores
- Any visit during opening hours must be requested 3 days in advance for coordination purposes (Tel: +49 6431-971727-0 / Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
- Access to the CF group on Facebook
As the largest German association of choir conductors, the Chorleiter-Forum follows the following philosophy:
- Supporting the further development of the German Center for Choral Music (DCfC) in Wetzlar a.d. Lahn
- Providing a platform for choir conductors from various fields, facilitating the exchange of expertise
- Fostering communication “between worlds” (children’s choir, vocal ensemble, oratorio choir, school choir, chamber choir, church choir, professional choir)
- Organizing professional development events for choral literature (workshops, reading sessions)
The Chorleiter-Forum is not a choir conductor association but primarily a user community within the DCfC. Membership is independent of existing association affiliations. Members can only be choir conductors who lead a choir or have completed training as a choir conductor.
The Chorleiter-Forum serves as a user community for the various services provided by the German Center for Choral Music. Members of the Chorleiter-Forum are legally integrated into the association’s work through their membership. The Chorleiter-Forum is represented by its spokesperson in its capacity as an organ, with the election of this representation taking place during Chorleiter-Forum meetings."1
National: 48,00 € / annual / Students: 24,00 € / annual
Intertnational: 75,00 € / annual / Students: 30,00 € / annual
Libraries and Shops can be exrtraordinary members. Please contact us for this. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.